URGENT - Amendments re Affirmations
Hi Everyone, I have just received the message below from Jean Illsley Clarke which outlines some misinformation on the TAI website Affirmations page.
CURRENT EMAIL:Elizabeth, we were looking on the internet for what is there about affirmations and your offerings popped right up. They assert that these developmental affirmations came from Self-Esteem: A Family Affair [SEAFA]. Actually they did not. The ones in that book are from Pam Levin and are credited that way.The developmental affirmations are from Growing Up Again and How Much Is Enough? I think it's important that the correct books be listed. Can you make that happen? I am most appreciative of your posting them and doing what you do to make them available to peopleLove, JeanPS: If you can, you might want to change your email address on your site:)
NOTE regarding corrections/additions to original web-pages (SEAFA Affirmations)
Unfortunately, for technical reasons it is not possible to amend these pages at this stage. However, should you identify errors or omissions, I am very happy to amend them here on this blog if you email me at elizabeth.cleary@gmail.com.