Transactional Analysis in Ireland

Saturday, December 05, 2015


My goodness - I can't believe that it is over 3 years since I last made an entry to this blog. What does that say 'at the psychological level'?

Anyway, to all who have even the vaguest interest in the practice, promotion, or presence of Transactional Analysis, I send you my greeting on our 21st anniversary.]

Actually, it was yesterday 21 years ago, December 4 1994 that a meeting was convened in Carmichael House, Brunswick Street, Dublin at which those present agreed that they wanted to start 'something' which would kick-start a presence of TA in Ireland. Many if not most of those present were non-professionals, though some had qualifications in other disciplines of therapy and education.

So what is the position now, in 2015?
Well, I can only speak for myself. I still get phonecalls, and occasional emails, and I pass on what I know. I am a member of ITAA, and also of UKTA (formerly ITA), so I know some of what is happening.

My own position is the same as it was years ago - I am not prepared to be the sole or main initiator of TA events, but I am happy to support anyone who wants to organize an information meeting, or who wants me to make input into a general course they might be organizing.

I still use TA personally, virtually every day of my life, and I still find it as useful as ever.

Best wishes, and thanks for the 'stroke' to anyone who finds this and reads it
Elizabeth Cleary