Dear Members,
At a time when black people and their allies in the United States are raising their voices and putting their bodies on the line to declare Black Lives Matter, we wish to affirm our support for this antiracism movement in the US and now across the world. We completely reject white supremacy in all its forms, whether personal, social, or institutional. We see and support the need to oppose violent racism as well as implicit and institutional discrimination that is ongoing.
We do this because of our core human values captured in the popular TA phrase “I’m OK, You’re OK, We’re OK, They’re OK.” We need to ensure that this is not simply a slogan but is a challenging, meaningful, and transformational guide to action.
Our professional ethical stance is very clear in being not only nondiscriminatory but actively asserting human rights and our responsibility to uphold them: Ethics guidelines.
We further acknowledge that, while many of our members are people of color, this is not true in those countries where white supremacy and colonialism originated. Furthermore, we realize that domination by white culture has affected many countries and that the legacy from slavery, colonialism, and indenture continues.
We undertake to renew and deepen our work in the direction of ensuring more diverse and equitable access to membership of the ITAA, the services offered by our members, and training in TA.
Elana Leigh, ITAA President.
This statement was sent to ITAA members on 6 June 2020.