Monday, August 22, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Recent TAI Meetings 2004-5
Here are some recent meetings held by TAI
Sorry for the HTML mess if you saw it. As I mentioned, I’m only learning this blogging business. I have new separated the notices for the different meetings into separate postings. I have also included any handouts I have on file. Hope you find it interesting
TAI Meeting held May 16 2004
Topic: Overindulgence (based on materials supplied by Jean Illsley Clarke)
TAI Meeting held November 06 2004
TAI Meeting held February 05 2005
Topic: Building Resilience in young people.
TAI Meeting held April 02 2005
Topic: AGING WITH DIGNITY -My Five Wishes (to be based on materials supplied by Jean Illsley Clarke).
TAI Meeting May 07 2005
Topic I'm OK, You're OK
TAI Meeting July 16 2005
Topic A TA look at Terrorism and Fundamentalism and Fanaticism
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Welcome to Transactional Analysis in Ireland

Welcome to Transactional Analysis in Ireland, otherwise known as TAI.
Greetings to frineds old and new from Elizabeth in Tallaght, Dublin Ireland
Hopefully this will be an improved way to establish a two-way communication with any TA fans either in or from the Emerald Isle - which is looking delightfully emerald on account of recent rain.
My plan is to publish information both in advance of and after our workshops. These informal orkshops are held approximately monthly at various venues.
Meantime our somewhat out-of-date webpage is at Last update was around 2002 (can't believe it was that long ago, but a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.)
Maybe that's what my next posting should be: an account of what has been going on in both TAI and in my own life since then.
Enough for the moment. I am just beginning to learn about blogging, so have to do some more exploring
Bye till next time
PS the time is as in Ireland (GMT Summer Time)